Monday, April 19, 2010

A Good Man is Hard to Find - Glannery O'Connor

Flannery O’Connor was an interesting writer. She seemed to like to write about the unexpected. Most of us are looking for the climax of a story to go in the other direction. We want the story to have a happy ending of the “happily ever after,” but that’s not what you get with Flannery O’Conner. In her story of “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” was a story full of surprised and shock. It may have been a short reading, but it kept me on my toes. As I read, I said many of times, surely that now what’s really happening. I didn’t expect them to all of a sudden have a car accident. That was one of those all of a sudden unexpected events in a story. The only thing I can say I could predict were the men in the car that approached them directly after the car accident. When the Misfit instructed Bobby Lee to get the boy John Wesley and his father Bailey, I thought he was just going to take them to the woods to strip them of their clothes, especially when the grandmother made it evident that the Misfit did not have clothes on and when Misfit said they had burned them. Then when the shots were fired, I didn’t really think they had actually been shot until Bobby Lee returned from the woods alone. Another surprise was when the mother was asked did she want to join her husband and son in the woods and she willing went with the baby in her arms along with June Star, I was flabbergasted! All along the grandmother kept trying to somehow will and deal with the misfit about being from a good family. This is when I thought this woman was the crazy one and should have been the first one shot. After the mother, baby and June Star were shot, I knew then the grandmother had to go next. After I finished the story, I couldn’t help but think that if the grandmother had just kept her mouth shut, maybe they would have all be alright, but then again, it was the grandmother’s fault they went down that dirt road to start with.

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