Sunday, May 9, 2010


Fences is a play that was set in the front yard of Troy’s and Rose’s house. Troy is a father of 2 boys and 1 daughter. His oldest son, Lyons, was from a previous relationship that was before he went to prison. Before Troy went to prison, he played baseball in the Negro Leagues and after he got out of prison, he was too old to play so he married Rose and they have a son named Cory. Cory wants to go to college to play football and his dad doesn’t want him to and this interference causes Cory and Troy a lot of problems. They even get into a fight at one point. Troy was never much of a father other than just going to work and support his family financially. He didn’t really love on or show much love and affection to his children. Troy’s friend Bono works with Troy at the sanitation department and Troy is trying to challenge his job and be the first man to drive a garbage truck since all of their black workers seems to just be the only ones to pick up and handle the trash. He ends up being the first black garbage truck driver.
Troy’s son Lyons only comes by on pay day to get money from his father Troy. Lyons play jazz in clubs and doesn’t make much of a living to support his family and for some reason, Troy always seems to give him money. Troy and his friend Bono have a ritual on pay day. They hang out and get drunk. This is also when Troy’s oldest son Lyons comes over to borrow money. Lyons is a jazz player and doesn’t make much to support his family so he is always borrowing money from Troy and for some reason, he always give him money. Troy and Bono often visit the local bar as well. This is where Troy meets and has an affair with Alberta. Troy ends up telling Rose about the affair because she ends up pregnant. Rose is very upset about this but during childbirth, Alberta dies. Troy brings home the baby girl name Raynell and Rose ends up staying and raising the baby as her own.
Troy also has a brother named Gabe. He thinks he is the angel of God called Gabriel. He was injured while in the war and the head injury has messed him up. Troy has also used Gabe’s government check to make the house payment, but when Troy dies of a heart attack, Gabe goes to blow a trumpet to help open up the gates of heaven for Troy, but the trumpet is missing its mouth piece and will not work. This is a representation of Troy not being worthy to enter into the gates of heaven.
Wonderful story and the characters were also very interesting. Rose is woman with a pure heart of gold. Why she put up with Troy and his cold heartedness and his drunken tendencies is beyond me. Cory was a boy that had a lot of struggles with his father, but at least he had his mother, Rose.

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