Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is an excellent literary writing full of excitement and adventure experienced by the main characters of Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, and a slave named Jim. The setting is during the mid-1800's and is focused along the Mississippi River. The different dialects used in this story are the Missouri negro dialect, the South-Western dialect, the "Pike County" dialect and four other varieties as well. The numerous footnotes help give details and understanding to some of the terminology and names used.
Huck Finn has been sent to live with Widow Douglas and along with her sister Miss Watson, they try to teach him how to be an upright citizen. They take him to church and teach him manners and such. Eventually, Huck's father, who is abusive and a drunkard returns to town after he learns that Huck has $6,000. After Huck returns with his father, he soon get tired of the abuse and ridicule and decides to fake his death and run away.
Tom Sawyer is Huck's best friend and his playmate that he gets in trouble with. Tom is an adventurous child with a very active imagination. He reads a lot of adventures and wants his life to imitate the stories he has read. This sets cause for Huck and Tom to not only find trouble, but to get out of the trouble as well.
Jim is a slave owned by Miss Watson. He believes in witches, spells and bad luck and when he tells a tale, he fills them with lots of detail and animation that is a little bit stretched. These stories entice both Huck and Tom. One day, Jim overhears Miss Watson talking and he believes that he and his family are to be sold and separated so Jim runs away.
As Huck and Jim find themselves together on Jackson Island, they end up making their way together down the Mississippi River searching for freedom. As their adventure sets forth, they encounter many people such as the King, the Duke, the Shepherdson's, the Grangerford's, the Wilks, the Phelps, and Buck whom he becomes good friends with. They encounter many conflicts as he and Jim take on the Duke and the King on their raft. The Duke and the King put on show and whatever it takes to con and take from people. This keeps them on the run until Jim is captured as a runaway slave.
As these adventurous characters set out to seek freedom, they come to think they will never find it. Eventually, Jim finds out that Miss Watson had died and in her will, she had actually set him free. Jim then tells Huck that his father is actually dead and that his body was in the house they came across floating down the river. Huck now realized that he is finally free himself. In the end it all worked out, until Huck realizes he is going to be adopted by Aunt Sally and she plans to civilize him which he has encountered before and isn't too pleased with.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." I found it comical and at times suspenseful. Many times I was quite eager to find out what was going to happen next. The dialect made this story quite interesting and challenging, but well worth it. I look forward to our next reading.

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