Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hi! My name is Tina and I am currently working on my AA. In August, I plan to join a cohort at Appalachian University for Middle Grades Education. I currently work at Hudson Middle School as an Exceptional Children's Teacher Assistant. I am married and have 3 children and 2 step children. I work and go to school full time, so I don't have much time for many things outside of my academics other than church and its related activities. I am a born again Christian and my faith is Jesus is most important to me.
My reading interests are limited to middle school level material since that is the setting that I work and this level of reading is what I am exposed to. I am a realistic so when I do read, I prefer something that I can realistically relate to that has true purpose and meaning. Things like mythology, sci-fi, and any other thing that forces me to think outside of my natural world just doesn't interest me and usually frustrates me.
I look forward to this class already. Our first reading assignment is something I read over 25 years ago in high school. I don't remember all of the story, but I do remember that it was probably one of my favorite readings then and I know it will be again.

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