Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Powerhouse - Eudora Welty

This was a very odd story to me. I really did not understand the point of it nor did I find it interesting at all. It was boring and really had no meaning. It told of Powerhouse who was black man and was singing to mostly white people who have no interest in him. He was singing lyrics with no real meaning and they just rolled around with no direction. He does sing and tell of his wife being dead. The only emotion he makes while making that statement seems to be in fun and he is degrading and talking ugly about his own wife in her death which seems strange. They must not have been close and maybe not even together anymore. Powerhouse does mention a few times about the name at the bottom of the telegram he received telling of his wife’s death. He doesn’t know the name and ask if anyone else knows the name. Uranus Knockwood was the name and he seemed more concerned about the name than what the telegram actually said.
It is once again apparent that this story was written to show difference in black and whites and to show injustice to blacks. I see that there is suppose to be an emphasis on the music and the soul that is felt through music that blacks felt that the whites didn't. However, if I had written this, or been involved in its writing, I would have focused more on the story’s plot and theme and focused less on inserting lyrics in the writing.
Eudora Welty seemed to be an educated woman and while reading her biography, I thought I would have read something with a little more feeling that would have related to more people. She must have also had a great love for music. The musical lyrics would have just been better and easier to follow if they had all been put together and not scattered with in a story line. I hope that if I have to read anything more by Welty within this class, I hope it something with more depth and structure.

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